Published by Itecons
Infrastructure type(s)
Hospitais; Pools; Hotels; Schools; Sports facilities; Child care, elderly care and other social services facilities; Shopping centers
Intervention domain(s)
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency
Non-residential buildings
Periodic assessment of energy consumption in large commercial and service buildings is mandatory, especially for the situations that are subject to Energy Rationalization Plans.
Furthermore, these audits, by enabling the breakdown of consumption by function and by energy source, allow building managers to have a clear perception of the main consumers, as a way of defining strategies to reduce energy bills.
In this context, Itecons has specialised technical staff and material resources to carry out these audits, with which it is possible to identify existing weaknesses and define intervention strategies to improve the energy performance of buildings.
Published by Ariston Thermo Group
Published by ENERGIE Est, Limitada
Published by ENERGIE Est, Limitada
Published by ENERGIE Est, Limitada
Published by BAXI Soluções de Climatização, S.A.
Published by Domótica SGTA, Gestão Técnica e Automação Lda.